十只小恐龙英文儿歌歌词 儿歌我是霸王龙

作者:逄寒云 时间:2024-09-19 09:50 阅读数:11982

1、关于这个问题,Ten Little Dinosaurs

2、Ten little dinosaurs, playing in the sun

3、Down came a volcano and there was only one


4、One little dinosaur, lonely as can be

5、He went to find a friend, and then there were three

6、Three little dinosaurs, playing by a tree

7、Along came a big T-Rex, and then there were three

8、Three little dinosaurs, running through the zoo

9、Met a friendly stegosaurus, and then there were two


10、Two little dinosaurs, having lots of fun

11、One got scared and ran away, and then there was one

12、One little dinosaur, now all alone

13、He found a new family, and now there are ten

14、Ten little dinosaurs, playing in the sun

15、Having lots of fun, and then the day is done.

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