i come home是什么歌 Allmoneygomyhome

作者:藏飞文 时间:2024-09-19 09:38 阅读数:13786

i come home出自美国女歌手Skylar Grey与Diddy-Dirty Money一起合作演唱的《Coming Home》。


(1)第一段:Skylar Grey:

I'm coming home I'm coming home

Tell the world I'm coming home

Let the rain wash away

All the pain of yesterday

I know my kingdom awaits

And they've forgiven my mistakes

I'm coming home I'm coming home

Tell the world that I'm coming

第二段:Diddy-Dirty Money:

I'm back where I belong

Yeah I never felt so strong

I'm feelin' like there's nothing that I can't try

And if you with me put your hands high

(Put your hands high)

If you ever lost a life before this one's for you

(And if you with me put your hands high)

And you and you and you and you

(Your dreams are filled you're rapping with the best)

I hear "The Tears Of A Clown" I hate that song

I feel like they talking to me when it comes on

Another day another dawn

Another Keisha nice to meet ya get the math I'm gone

What am I 'posed to do when the club lights come on

It's easy to be Puff but it's harder to be Sean

What if the twins ask why I ain't marry they mom

(Why Damn)

How do I respond

What if my son stares with a face like my own

And says he wants to be like me when he's grown

Sh*t but I ain't finished growin'

Another night the inevitable prolongs

Another day another dawn

Just tell Keisha and Teresa I'll be better in the morn'

Another lie that I carry on

I need to get back to the place I belong

第三段:Skylar Grey& Diddy-Dirty Money:

I'm coming home  I'm coming home

Tell the world I'm coming home

Let the rain wash away

All the pain of yesterday

I know my kingdom awaits

And they've forgiven my mistakes

I'm coming home  I'm coming home

Tell the world that I'm coming home

"A house Is Not A Home"  I hate this song

Is a house really a home when your loved ones is gone

And people got the nerve to blame you for it

And you know you woulda took the bullet if you saw it

But you felt it and still feel it

And money can't make up for it or conceal it

But you deal with it and you keep ballin'

Pour out some liquor  play boy  and we keep ballin'

Baby  we've been living in sin 'cause we've been really in love

But we've been living as friends

So you've been a guest in your own home

It's time to make your house your own  pick up your phone  come on

I'm coming home  I'm coming home

Tell the world I'm coming home

Let the rain wash away

All the pain of yesterday

I know my kingdom awaits

And they've forgiven my mistakes

I'm coming home  I'm coming home

Tell the world that I'm coming

"Ain't No Stopping Us Now"  I love that song

Whenever it comes on it makes me feel strong

I thought I told y'all that we won't stop

'Til back cruising through Harlem  Viso blocks

It's what made me  saved me  drove me crazy

Drove me away than embraced me  forgave me

For all of my shortcomings  welcome to my homecoming

Yeah it's been a long time coming

Lot of fights  lot of scars

Lot of bottles  lot of cars

Lot of ups  lot of downs

Made it back  lost my dog

(I miss you Big)

And here I stand  a better man

(A better man)

Thank you Lord

(Thank you Lord)

I'm coming home  I'm coming home

Tell the world I'm coming home

Let the rain wash away

All the pain of yesterday

I know my kingdom awaits

And they've forgiven my mistakes

I'm coming home  I'm coming home

Tell the world that I'm coming home

i come home是什么歌

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